Brixham Heritage Sailing Rally
A Friendly, Informal Sail-in-Company Event
for Older Vessels or Built to a Classical Design

Online Rally Entry Form
Entry Fees 2023 : 
Entry to the Rally is £25
Name of Boat
Name of Owner
Please make payment by bank transfer using the name of the boat as payment reference.  
Bank details: 
Sort Code 20-60-88, Account number 70849359, Account Name ‘Brixham Heritage Sailing’.  
We regret that we have no facilities for accepting any card payments. 
Address of Owner
Email address
Year built
Build Location
Length (on Deck)
Length overall
Expected Number of Crew
Construction (select)
Sail Number
Sail Colour
Topside Colour
Insurance Company and details
Owners Declaration 
I understand that the Rally will be sailed under RYA guidelines as instructed by the regatta committee. 
I declare that I hold a valid and current boat insurance which covers me for third party claims of at least £2 Million whilst sailing for the period of this event (Brixham Heritage Rally 2023).  
I have read, understood, and agree to comply with the safety requirements detailed here. I also understand that this is Corinthian Fleet Rally, not a race. 
Signed (Enter Name)
By clicking the 'Submit Form' button you are declaring that the details provided are correct